Graduation Requirements
In order to earn a Yuma Union High School District diploma, regular education students are subject to graduation requirements that include credit requirements and competency test requirements that the State Board of Education adopted. Students must meet all graduation requirements before we will allow them to participate in commencement exercises. We will designate students with grade point averages of three point five (3.5) or higher with honors.
Planning a Four-Year Program
An ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan) reflects a student’s current plan of coursework, career aspirations, and extended learning opportunities in order to develop the student’s academic and career goals. The ECAP is developed with the involvement of the students, parents, and school counselor(s) working together to guide students in their choices and educational experience. The ECAP should be revisited and updated on a yearly basis throughout high school and the postsecondary years.
It is expected that all students have full access to the variety of academic courses, career and technical education courses and other elective courses as outlined below for graduation requirements.
Credit Requirements
A minimum of 22 units of credit are required for graduation. Listed below are the requirements that a student must complete before he/she may receive a Yuma Union High School District diploma:
- English: four (4) credits
- Social Studies: three (3) credits
- Science: three (3) credits. Students may substitute one (1) course in agriculture or technology to count toward the high school graduation science requirement as per R7-2-302(4).
- Mathematics: four (4) credits
- Fine Arts or CTE (Career/Technical Education): one (1) credit
- Physical Education: one (1) credit
- World Languages (same language): two (2) credits
- Elective Credits: Six (6) credits
- One (1) credit for World History/Geography
- One (1) credit for United States History
- One half (1/2) credit for United States Government
- One half (1/2) credit for Economics
Students who receive special education services will have their course of study reviewed and revised, as appropriate in their IEP on an annual basis, aligned with the required graduation coursework and ECAP activities. All Students must participate in state-approved testing as directed by the Arizona State Board of Education. (ACT, ASPIRE, etc.)